Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fruit Flush Detox Diet

Every girl wants and strives for that perfect body...but honestly with all the tempting fast food restaurants and delicious wine and dine places to go to, i find it hard to aim for that perfect body.  Not only is eating healthy important, but exercising and getting the right amount of sleep each night is also important.

I do want that perfect beach body, but don't think i want it that bad, if im not willing to put in 100% work to get it.  That takes a lot of dedication from working out daily to eating right and sleeping right. I like to just do whatever I want, eat whatever I want. I don't really like to live life on a schedule or a set routine, I like to do whatever I want whenever I want.  Working out is a routine, eating right is a routine (well i guess u don't have to make it a routine if you mix and match your food choices) and sleeping every day at the same tim, uhm NO CAN DO!

Anyways, my co workers and I decided to do a Fruit Flush Detox diet. CRAZY RIGHT?

I always say I want to work out, eat healthy and work for a perfect body. But a lot of things are very easily said than done, which is why I've never really executed.  I don't think I have EVER in my life attempted to go on any kind of diet or cleanse or detox in my life!!! 

From a person who LOVES to eat, it was something I wanted to challenge myself and try.  It seriously takes a lot of will power. Like they used to say when we were pledging, "mind over matter."

This was a three day cleanse. We started yesterday and its supposed to end tomorrow. First day was the hardest for me.  I had to drink a protein drink from 8am-4pm every two hours.  Those drinks were so nasty, I had to chug it down like I was chugging beer.  I can't believe my co-workers liked it.  It was definitely not my cup of tea! For dinner we were supposed to eat 3-6 cups of raw vegetables with 3-6 ounces of either chicken, beef or fish.  Along with the salad we were allowed to squeeze half a lemon and either a tablespoon of oil OR avocado.  

I got through the whole day at work with this protein drink diet, but do not get me wrong...I was a total GRUMP!  I was just thinking about food all day and the idea of not being able to eat it made me have a greater desire for some yummy and sinful foods.  Unfortunately, I must admit, that i was not able to make it through dinner because there were just too many temptations at home. DAM IT! I had two slices of Costco pizza=[ I felt guilty the whole night. I guess you can say that I was working on my OWN pace!

Day 2 we were supposed to have one serving of fruit every two hours starting at 8am until 4pm and for dinner we were allowed to have again...a salad, but this time without any meat.  We were to replace that with a protein drink!

I got through day 2 ok, but again, when I was home I had too many cravings. Fortunately, I was able to resist the temptations.  I had a salad and decided to skip the nasty protein drink! We'll see how day three goes tomorrow even though I do plan to have an actual dinner tomorrow!  Wish me luck!

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