Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"I can't live without you"

Someone once told me that he couldn't live without me. After one hell of a rocky year, he found someone else. Life goes on for him...and what he once no longer valid because in fact, he is able to live without me. I told him so!

Another person tells me the same thing...I just sit there and roll my eyes. Please!! You can so live without me in your life. Hello,'ve already lived so many years of your life without me in it, what makes you think you can't live without me now. Is this something a guy does to a girl or a girl does to a guy in order for them to keep the one that they are about to lose. If so, that's lame.

I fell for that line once, but I'm not going to fall for it again! The first time, I cared too much and really thought he was going to "die" without me. But look at him now...he's happily in another relationship, living life just fine!

I might believe it, if an elderly person said it about their significant other. Why? Because he/she has probably been with their significant other for a whole half of their life. If one were to suddenly pass away, I think it would be legit for the other to say that they can't live without them.

I remember an episode of Grey's Anatomy, where a lady would get a heart attack every year on the day her loved one die. How could we compare our love for one another to a couple who have been together or in love for so many years. The truth is we can't!

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