Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why is it called "the end"

Sometimes when I think that I have come to an end of something, I realize that in fact it has not. Actually, nothing ever ends ...not even life because there is still life after death.

As a semi- newly graduate, i have ended one chapter in my life...but the memories still live on. Reflections of my undergrad leave me feeling a bit nostaligic.

I will never forget my memories as a KDPhi, the late night talks I had with my only room mate of four years, the whole college experience in davis, falling in love and getting my heart broken. All these people/ events have made a big impact in my life and molded me into the person I am today.

I can't keep focused on just one topic...i want to write about A LOT of things...but its hard when there's so much going on in my brain. There was supposed to be a purpose in this entry, but right now I can't find one...and I'm tired.

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