Saturday, October 17, 2009

Run LOLA Run

I never thought i'd come across this name again. "LOLA!" Seriously, I think it's an ugly name. It reminds me of an old English lady from the Reniasance time. That happens to be name my coworker named her new dog! Not cute!

I wish I was more of an animal person, but I'm not. It really does take time for me to like anyone's dog. I like dogs who aren't as hyperactive. For some reason it seems as though smaller dogs are more hyper. They're so little that they can jump all over you!

Last time I heard the name Lola was from the film, Run Lola Run. I watched it in high school in one of my English Classes. It was a pretty good film portraying the fate of Lola's life, depending on which route she decides to take. Yup, and that's life for you. Do you ever wonder, "what if...I had done this or that or had taken another path."

We just need to stop wondering about all the "what ifs" and live with what we have. There's no point in looking back, when what's done cannot be undone.

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