Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Karma SUCKS and so do BOYS!!

Like my facebook status says: "Never leave the one you love for the one you like because the one you like will leave you for the one they love! What goes around will come back around, sucker!!"

October has been a month of breakups for a lot of people I know. I don't know what it is, probably the alignment of the moons and the stars. Something is going haywire up there!

It's really disappointing to find out that someone whom you thought was a genuinely good guy is totally not what you thought of him to be. I've heard many many stories of how horrible guys are and all the bad things they do to us, females. I know females are capable of the same things, but naturally we're more emotional and honestly we just care too much and put too much into things we shouldn't be.

Case #1: Guy and girl date for 6 months. Girl likes boy, boy likes girl. They enjoy each other's company and has lots of fun together. Boy is always busy with his 10 million extra curricular activities. Guy breaks up with girl because, he can't give her the love and attention she deserves. Break up came out of nowhere and unexpectedly. WTF?!? The same day they break up, they were doing well and had made plans for the future. He uses the "It's me not you" line. STFU!!! I guess this isn't even the worse case of it all, but do you expect a girl to feel. Asshole

Case #2: Guy and girl date for 9 months. Guys first mistake, not being honest with girl! It's never good when a girl finds shit out on her own. I'm telling you, us girls, we have a good sixth sense and we know when something is fishy. Doesn't matter how much the truth hurts, honesty should be priority. Dear guy, please don't give stupid reasons as to why you kept the truth from her in the first place. Quit it with the bullshit, please be real. It should have ended there. Girl gives guy another chance. He says he'll change and be honest and uses the "actions speak louder than words" line. Your action sure showed it, thanks for continuing to lie and front about things! No complete honesty= lack of true communication between each other. That's not a way a relationship should be. You should never be too afraid to tell a person anything, so please don't use the " i don't want to hurt your feelings" line. AGAIN, excuses, excuses, excuses. We're done listening to them.

Case #3: Guy and girl have been dating over a year. She thinks he's the one, and apparently so does he. But why can't he let the world know that? She's totally been telling all her friends and family that they're going to get married, but he can't even tell his parents or a good female friend that she's the one he's going to marry. WACK!! It's not like we're asking when you're getting married. If she's the one, why do you have to keep it on the DL? Unless she's not the one? Are we girls, just thinking too much into it? It's annoying especially for the girl, when there is no reassurance. Guys are just jerks!!!

Case #4: Guy and girl have been dating for four years. Guy has never given the girl a title, meaning he's never called her his girlfriend. He's lied to her multiple times about a various number of girls, who were just his "friends". He would go on one on one dates with other girls or tell other people/ girls that he's single. How is that ok? Why do you need to lie? Why is he so selfish? All guys are selfish.

Case #5: Guy get's out of a 6 year relationship (on and off). Meets girl, really feeling her and they get a long. Serious talks about relationships and where each other stand. Totally dating, but ex-girlfriend still has his house keys and access to his place. He claims he doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but how is that ok? As long as you're giving her hope, she thinks there will be a chance. It's not about being nice or not, don't be selfish and let the girl go if you completely aren't feeling her anymore. That way its fair for the new girl you're dating as well as the ex, so that she can finally give up.

Case #6: Girl and guy have been dating for 5 years. They celebrate their 5 year anniversary and two weeks later, he wants to be single. WTF is that? She thought it was just another fight, but he was serious and wanted to be single. So random and out of nowhere. Oh there's always something fishy about "those" types of break ups. It's because he's met someone new and is dating her. What a douche bag. Those are the scary think they're a genuine person and then they turn around and find someone new. There is no confirmation whether or not he cheated...but how can you find someone in such a short amount of time. I don't believe that if you love someone and claim to care about them so much, that you can possibly have any other "intimate" relationship with anyone else. And since it did happen, that obviously means you didn't care about your gf of 5 years all too much. Guys, they think with one head but not the other.

Case #7: **This is one couple I do not know personally** Guy and girl have been dating since they were 11 years old. At about 25 /26 they get engaged. While they were engaged the guy met another woman (older) and started dating her and cheated on his gf. He confessed of this two weeks before their wedding, but the two decided to make it work. They got married and 6 months later he goes back to that SLUT and the couple divorce. It's just sad to waste all these years on a guy and then realize that they're not the meant for each other.

Boys are stupid, throw rocks and footballs at them!!!

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