Friday, July 16, 2010

Don't Block Your Blessings

My friend had sent me this article and I find it completely relatable. I pulled out a couple of quotes from the article!

"Why do women, when relationships start getting good, tend to look at them with such a negative outlook?"

I realized that I am one of those kind of women. It's true...I definitely tend to do that. I guess I get scared when things get good or when something good comes along. I have this mentality where I think...daym, could it be too good to be true? I'm a hopeless romantic, or at least I'd like to think I am. If so, shouldn't I fantasize about a fairy tale ending? Why then do I build this negative outlook? Because, I doubt the male species! Every time I put my guard down, I get hurt. I know that the end result is always some kind of disappointment. Am I being ridiculous? Do I expect too much? I ask myself those questions all the time. I think its good to set standards and expectations for ourselves, but I sometimes wonder; am I just going way to overboard, or are the guys that I've been with just not the one for me. I'm a realistic hopeless romantic. As much as I do fantasize about some guy sweeping me off my feet, I do know how to snap myself back to reality!

Maybe I don't have a negative outlook, maybe it's just that I expect the worse. I don't want to expect too much and I don't want to believe that anything good can last long, therefore I put up some kind of defense mechanism so that in the end I don't end up hurt!

Does that make any sense at all? I tell you I have a complex way of thinking.

"My mother used to always say, 'Don't block your blessings.' I always took this to mean that I needed to be open to blessings in order to receive them. So, that's what I've done and it's actually worked for me."

I like that! DON'T BLOCK YOUR BLESSINGS! I should really learn to do that. Don't block the good that is coming your way. Embrace it, love it and accept it.

I'm going to take that piece of advice today and tell others not to block their blessings =]

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